Ever wonder about the people behind the pages of Wake Living? Sure, you can head over to our “about us” page and read our professional bios, but as a lifestyle magazine, we’d like to connect on a personal level.
Jaime joined the team in 2023 and works as the styling coordinator for many of our home and holiday spreads. She presents you tasty beverages in the form of our Liquid Assets features, tells you what’s On Trend, and much more. Get to know her below:
Introduce yourself!
Hello! I’m a content creator, writer, and stylist contributing to Wake Living and Cary Magazine. Originally from Michigan, I traversed various parts of the United States until my husband and I found our home in the Triangle in 2009. We’re raising two fantastic boys alongside our beloved two golden retrievers.
What drew you to working on magazines?
The opportunity to connect with the community, showcase local businesses, and tell their story. A perk is the phenomenal Wake Living team, making work a joy every day.
What’s your favorite aspect of your job?

Jaime’s favorite project to date
The opportunity to bring stories and ideas to life through creative expression. Styling allows me to visually craft narratives, using colors and textiles to convey a message. On the other hand, I enjoy writing because it allows me to explore diverse topics and perspectives.
What’s been your favorite project with Cary Magazine/Wake Living so far?
I enjoyed collaborating with Sassool on “Sleighing the Christmas Spread: Sassool Style” for the November/December 2023 issue. Learning more about their Christmas cuisine traditions and styling the table for the Christmas dinner photo shoot was fun. The bonus was eating at Sassool after the photoshoot!
What movie have you rewatched the most?
The original Parent Trap — it’s my absolute favorite!
Where’s your ideal vacation destination?
It would be gliding on a paddle board over crystal-clear waters in the warm sunshine with a refreshing Painkiller cocktail waiting for me back at the lounger on the beach.

Jaime’s styling touch at work on “Deck the Porch.” Photo by Jonathan Fredin
What do you do to relax?
With two boys and two dogs, that’s hard. Ha-ha! When I do find time to relax, I enjoy reading, catching up on my favorite TV shows, or adventuring on my stand-up paddle board.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can bark like a dog very well; even my pups start searching for the source.
What’s your favorite random bit of trivia?
I attended the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC for college, so fashion trivia is fitting. The LBD (little black dress) was created by Coco Chanel in 1926 and was translated into a ready-to-wear essential for early evenings and cocktail occasions.